
Momoa or Evans?

Sir I welcome your honest and eloquent additions to this conversation.

Let me be the very first to say: still would.


I worried at first about their kids, but realized that I also would bang myself all up on those hard edges. 6_6

Counterpoint: even The Body doesn’t hold up because Joss is incapable of writing characters who feel things deeply without blurting out every anguished thought they have.

I uh,,, thought this was a given by now. “I, Joss Whedon, am a brilliant genius who keeps having his vision ruined by studios” is a story he’s been selling since the Buffy the Vampire Slayer movie in ‘92. :|

okay but the ones who didn’t create the murderbot(s) I think are... understandably reluctant to be put on a leash when they didn’t do the deed.

it’s Snyder, all the song choices are on the nose

Counterpoint: Whedon thinks he’s a better director than he is, copies a few standard tricks that others have done better (Cuaron’s long takes, Snyder’s fast-slow-fast) and ends up serving up extremely cornball shots. Compare the assault on the Hydra stronghold from Age of Ultron with the airport battle in Civil War,

What does it take to keep together a family, whether inherited or chosen, when a bunch of motherfuckers—dead, alive—want to eradicate you via sword and ice magic?

No Consequences for Blonde Heiresses :|

I just think of how many times I used to turn my ankles back when I wore heels. In my 20s, I would just roll right back and keep walking, but the last time I did it it hurt for a freaking week. OUR FEET AREN’T MADE FOR THIS.

ATTENTION CHILDREN: HIGH HEELS ARE SPECIAL OCCASION SHOES. Unless you want to get multiple foot surgeries when you’re older. :|

No because I wrecked my feet with heels in my 20s and can only wear flats or near-flats now.


This is terrible. How are we supposed to eat the rich if they’re all gristle?!?

no, simply oily isn’t enough, you’ve got to have that “oily after five layers of makeup” look