lots of money to be made portraying the power fantasies of middle-aged white men on the big screen
lots of money to be made portraying the power fantasies of middle-aged white men on the big screen
Iron Man holds up... what?
I’m gonna have to disagree with you there, bud
Or Iron Man, or Iron Man 3, or...
Yeah that’s what I’m saying but thanks for chiming in
ssssshhhhhhhhhhh, he’s trying to Obama
“I see the future of America right here, right now,” Beto O’Rourke says while standing on a counter in a coffee shop in Burlington, Iowa.
I remember seeing my first baby’s heart on a fancy 3D ultrasound at 12 weeks and thinking it was the most beautiful thing I’d ever seen.
But she said viability is a “moving target” because it varies based on the part of the world where a pregnant woman lives or the point in time when advancements in medical technology occurred.
tons, one hopes
Me: Man, Thanos is the worst, we gotta find a way to reverse the snap
(1) You definitely have more expertise than I do on this issue!
Nobody said that, dumbass. Surely there’s another website where you can go just to get mad in the comments.
eh, a new building costs a couple mill, easy. $500,000 is a bargain in comparison.
(1) Alita got a ton of coverage
INTERESTING. Almost makes up for their reluctance to adopt no-fault divorce....??
#yasssskweeen etc. etc.