Please, you know his wrinkled old ass has a million-page will that is *very* finely-tuned.
Please, you know his wrinkled old ass has a million-page will that is *very* finely-tuned.
As a practical legal matter, who decided that this guy was an appropriate representative of the embryo’s estate? If there’s a real dispute between the parents, shouldn’t the embryo have a third-party guardian ad litem or something? Anyway fuck all these clowns.
Me: The prison-industrial complex must be destroyed, there is no just incarceration
yaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyy stretch chaaaaaaaaaaaaaaps
I know I am middle-aged because if I had found myself at this event I would have grabbed handfuls of produce, stuffed them down my pants, and made for the exit. Free limes and garlic, and the garlic is already PEELED?
The kitchen comes with one of the infamous-via-Lords-and-Ladles Aga ovens, so you know I’m in. Screw these modern ovens with their predictable, uniform temperatures and cooking times!
I topped out at Keyboard Squire years ago :’(
imagine intentionally self-identifying as a “keyboard warrior” lmao
Man, I flew behind an entire family that very obviously had bronchitis like a year ago; I would take this lady and her baby over them any day. Skin rashes are not dangerous.
Thanks for sharing this. God, her positivity amazes me.
It’s probably not unsafe, in most cases, but leaving it open to the air means particles, skin cells, tiny bugs, etc. can get mixed in.
Using Crooked’s Lawyers!
Extremely cool that women are still so inequal in so many fields of American life but we at least get the change to throw our lives away for an imperialist government that relentlessly ignores our concerns and devalues our lives, hurraaaaaaaaayyyy
I’m fucking mad that this guy was nonetheless admitted to the bar given the usual good moral character requirements.
I mean, I assumed that was a dumb joke made by Ryan Reynolds’s dumb joke of a character, but... hurray vagina dentata?
lmao yeah noooobody is going to Kent to fuck unless fate has already put them there
both the intro paragraph to this article and the comments below it make me think that y’all deserve to have McDonalds-hot coffee spilled in your groin and recover from third-degree burns. :|