
I think I speak for all Seattle-raised peoples when I say, we do not claim her. 

depends, what drug is it that makes a person have literally no flattering angles at all

I’ll consider giving birth in space when they figure out how to get an entire OB/GYN and NICU ward into space (that is, never).

They didn’t even QUESTION HIM when she gave them proof that he was sending her threatening texts. Like, how you gonna deter crime if you don’t even investigate it.

I recently visited family in Japan and one of the things I learned about was how much work is being done on the ground by the city wards in, e.g., Tokyo to help new parents- subsidized childcare, home nurse visits, group play centers, nursing rooms in major shopping centers, etc. etc. It’s just not enough to actually

Good god that shit hooks right into my tween lizard brain. LOOK AT REBA LOOK AT HOW HAPPY REBA IS

You might get a little sore thumb from pushing the clove into the rind; wear it like a badge of honor.

Does Aladdin look... weirdly old? I always thought of him as early 20s, tops, and the Aladdin above looks like he’s fresh out of his second marriage and ready to mingle. :\

Kudos to Melania, sticking to her chosen smoky eye even though people tell her “you look like a demon” and “please, there will be children there”.

  • Buying a $20,000 portrait of Donald Trump, which the charity then listed as an “asset” worth $700 in 2017 and $0 in 2018.

technically the singular of Pentatonix is Pentatonic

(I mean, just think about how soft and supple human jowls can be. Then imagine them on a pig! That makes for some very tasty meat.)

Please read the comment I was replying to, and then my comment. Thank you.


shut up Perd

uhhhh isn’t that what Johnny Depp does in every role now

thank god we have wise men like you to pierce her veil of illusion and deceit! THANK GOD.

The episode we watched last night sympathetically discussed the iron doors a member of the Anglo-Irish gentry had installed on his estate in the late 19th century to keep the riff-raff out, and how “brave” he and his family were and... like... sir. Your late father gambled away the feudal proceeds of an entire Irish

but Moulin Rouge was basically La Boheme dressed up with pop songs sooooooooooooooooooooo

no? why would you say that?