
Motherfucker I don’t *all*of*a*sudden* care about pregnant women, I have BEEN caring about pregnant women ever since I learned I might someday become one. I have kids. I want other women to be able to have kids, or not, as they prefer, and get the medical care they need either way. It’s not hypocrisy, it’s caring

lol my face on reading those two tweets one right after the other

Whether it’s an abortion or pregnancy loss follow-up care or just proper prenatal care, these fuckers won’t let you have it. I know it’s pointless to accuse them of hypocrisy but I just want them to be less shitty to pregnant women.

honestly kind of glad that my nursing days are over because this hed would FOR SURE have made my tits shrivel up like raisins anyway.

Dumb question, but: the time I tried to make Mississippi Roast, what I got out of it was a giant, intensely tough chunk of beef with about a half-inch of slightly softer beef on the bottom. Frankly, it was almost inedible. At the time, I assumed that this was because most of the beef hadn’t been submerged in liquid

Add to that that in some cases the government took original documentation of family relationships from parents and then ....????

So happy for Angelica Gonzalez-Garcia and her daughter. I hope they can be a whole and happy family again. 

soooooo which Burger-era Supreme Court Justices do we think Stephen Baldwin and Kevin Sorbo had been cast as? Sorbo could do either Powell or Rehnquist, they’re both pretty narrow through the face, but I’m struggling to think of someone jowly enough for Baldwin to play; Potter Stewart, maybe?

No no, you don’t understand, when white men do it it’s not rape.

Cucker Tarlson

Second. Still worried that the administration will have someone go over her old applications and somehow figure out a way to denaturalize her now.

fucking... STOP TREATING THE GOVERNANCE OF THIS COUNTRY LIKE YOUR FUCKING TV SHOW. I don’t care if the new justice fits a “central casting” image, I care if they’re gonna tear down most of the Warren Court jurisprudence and plunge us into a second Gilded Age.


Honestly I would encourage christian people like this doofus to retreat into cloistered lives of hard work and quiet contemplation. Vows of silence, in particular, could be very helpful. Maybe eventually some good beer would come of it, like with the Trappists.

oh my god “Screwed” is such a perfect summer bop and I’m mad I don’t hear it anywhere and everywhere I go


(psssst: a lessor is someone who leases things to a lessee.)

I know I’ve told this story before, but my mother was almost another Geraldine Santoro. Well before Roe, when she was still in her early 20s, she had to get a back-alley abortion. She told me the story once, of waking up in a pool of her own blood in a hotel room, alone. The person who’d done the procedure had already

man I tried this trick last night and it felt like I was eating a popcorn-oil-salt slurry. Maybe we could just do 1:1 oil:popcorn and leave it at that?