
“You need to be careful.”

You have a good point on the time served- that said, it seems like most of the judges are sentencing people to time served anyway. And it doesn’t seem like any of the people being prosecuted are being released on their own *recognizance*; they’re being jailed until they have a plea hearing in federal court, and

That’s... fine. They deserve each other. :|

Why do you think that ICE would know who the student is? Who is identifying them?

You hope the good ones stay and fight... by prosecuting illegal entry for people (PARENTS, of CHILDREN, who were TAKEN from them) who had every right to cross the border and apply for asylum? Please. Good people don’t do that. If there were a mass walkout at DOJ, those illegal entry prosecutions couldn’t happen, but

You’re right, undocumented people should definitely never leave the house, let alone receive full-ride college scholarships. The person isn’t named here, they probably haven’t even been selected yet, and there’s no way that giving them a scholarship outs them.

fuck off

She looks so happy, and I’m so happy for her and her baby.

She’s already been released from detention on bond. So they’ll be living their lives outside of detention until her merits hearing, hopefully.

She filed and they settled out of court before a preliminary hearing. Doesn’t mean it didn’t enter the courts.

The attorneys tasked with defending these fascist policies aren’t in the “judicial” branch. They work for the Department of Justice and they’re directly supporting fascism. They hurt nobody by refusing to do so. 

nobody gets asylum that quick. She’ll have a couple of hearings calendared and might not have her merits hearing (the one where she actually makes her case for asylum) for months or years. Hopefully she’ll get good legal assistance for that.

Don’t wanna defend fascist policies, don’t fuckin’ work for fascists. Nothing stopping them from going looking for better work elsewhere.

if her lawsuit gets certified as a class action, hopefully they won’t all have to sue individually. Sounds like there are resources for it now at RAICES and other orgs, but a class-action would be so much more efficient.

Honestly, I’m just glad for Beata Mariana de Jesus Mejia right now. These kids need their parents. At least one kid got their mom back, albeit after over a month of separation. I hope that family can be whole again.

oh wow that looks MUCH BETTER than the one I linked. 

Mine could care less about the Little Feminist books, lol. Toddlers like action and animals and these have neither. 

hey MD how’s Theresa May treating y’all
