
My husband always tries to drag us (with our 4yo and 1yo) out to the hippest, busiest restaurants in the neighborhood at 6:30 on a Friday night. Nah, man. Let’s go to the gyro place where we know they’ll have a table, the food will come quickly, and we can clean up our own mess.

... why would you short your server on tips for something that is not their fault? That’s awful.

As someone who loves eating out but has not been able to get my 13-month-old to eat neatly yet, I just... clean up after her as much as I can. Wipe down the worst of the mess with napkins, pick up as much of the food on the floor as I can; I’ve also occasionally offered to wipe down surfaces with a wet towel if the

Knowing someone has a license to carry should lessen anxiety, not intensify it.

I didn’t presume anything. But if you don’t see how scary it is that a man with this much power feels the need to get his hands on *more* guns when his wife leaves him, I suspect you’re coming from a very different viewpoint than I am.

as someone who has KP, I would gladly punch your ex-husband in the nuts given the chance. Stay strong girl.

The ease of CPR certification is not relevant; indeed, it’s a distraction from core structural issues relating to mass violence that puts responsibility on individuals to respond to shootings instead of on our institutions to prevent them.

what further insight do you feel you’re adding to your last comment with this?

Hey Tim, the point is that CPR doesn’t help in these circumstances. I got my first aid/CPR/AED certification this year, it took me one day, and almost NONE of it would save a life in a mass shooting scenario. If we want to prevent people from dying in mass shootings, we need to *prevent* mass shootings. So why don’t

Cool, thanks for the reassurance, it means a lot coming from a random person on the internet. :|

To be clear, you can perform CPR on children, you just have to be a little gentler about it with small ones. That said, in shootings like the Parkland shooting, the injuries you worry about are massive internal and external bleeding and major damage to organs, and you’re absolutely correct that CPR won’t do jackshit


... applying for a concealed carry permit during the last days of his failing marriage. Well THAT shouldn’t concern anyone...

Thank you. This is a great piece.

dude I didn’t mean that they were flowering *at the moment you harvest them*. I literally grow garlic in my home garden so please don’t try to explain it to me.

okay, but what you’ve described aren’t scapes, they’re young garlic shoots. Different thing.

How big is your household? 32 heads holds us for 6-7 months, but I order seed instead of replanting.

I sow 32 plants each year, all hardneck, and get enough for one small side dish when I harvest the scapes. *sighs heavily* Thank god home-grown garlic is so delicious.

incorrect, scapes are flowering stalks from mature garlic plants. Spring and green garlic are the young shoots.

(and scapes only grow from hardneck garlic, while most garlic sold in supermarkets is softneck)