as someone who grows my own garlic- you can plant a 4'x4' square of hardneck garlic and get *maybe* one serving’s worth of scapes. You get one per garlic plant and you will have to wait eight months for them.
as someone who grows my own garlic- you can plant a 4'x4' square of hardneck garlic and get *maybe* one serving’s worth of scapes. You get one per garlic plant and you will have to wait eight months for them.
(I got my CPR certification recently and tourniquets were covered.)
and the holes from semiautomatic rifles are apparently just more ruinously dangerous than regular handgun bullet holes. So you can put pressure on that wound to try and stop the bleeding all you want, the person’s internal organs are already in tatters and dollars to donuts it won’t make a bit of difference
no, solicitation is generally what a pimp or a prostitute does- offering one’s own or another’s services in exchange for money. Attempting to pay for sex after the fact is generally not a crime except in the larger cosmic sense.
TPUSA does seem to be really great at producing graphics that can then be repurposed into searing burns of him and the org
yeah it’s... not easy to parse. My mom was a fossil fiend so I feel like I have *some* knowledge base... =_=
“almost all seashells are 65 million years old and that’s half the reason people collect them.”
they’re all Fredos
capitalism without joy T_T
I don’t even let my own children that I birthed sleep in my bed any more. I like to actually sleep in my bed, though. :|
lol I use the industrial brown paper hand towels in the bathroom. A+++ blotting. Now if I could just get the makeup to stay on...
you look amazing at 7:00 at night, fyi. extremely sultry. On the days when I wear makeup, by 7:00 I look like someone dumped a bottle of vegetable oil on my face.
honestly what recipes are they suggesting for banana peels, how could you *possibly* make those edible/appetizing