
omg Chrissy that’s SAVAGE

Statue of Liberty: Give me your tired, your poor, your-

Hello Splinter reader, have *you* called your representatives in Congress to demand they abolish ICE and repeal IIRAIRA, the law that created most modern grounds of removability?

hey Johny your roommate just called, he said your Trump dick bong caught fire and your whole collection of Dennis Miller DVDs was destroyed in the blaze

look, I hate the Trumps as much as the next leftist hag, but could we not. Anthrax scares are like two bullet points below SWATting on the list of “Tactics not to use against anyone, ever, assholes”.

*Google fingers start itching* thanks for the tip!

“But it was very sad when we heard about it, and certainly he’s also very sad now.”

Can I tell you, I saw the trailer for this in the theater recently and the initial wide shot of downtown got me hyped and then I realized what it was and got SO FUCKING MAD, LIKE, KEEP MY HOMETOWN’S NAME OUTCHA MOUTH YOU MILQUETOAST MOTHERFUCKERS

They will absolutely ruin your couch.

Looks like you took the wrong inference and want me to argue with you about it.

. . . ? Either you’re misreading me or you’re on some entirely different sarcastic level. Or both.

Worth noting that the unnamed ex-girlfriend mentioned above (the one in the administration) apparently also reached out to both ex-wives in 2016 looking for help as she herself was being abused. So as with everything else, you can’t count on the authorities to do the right thing; victims have to keep holding their

I’m an immigration attorney and I was glad to see a way for young people to naturalize. I think it’s shitty that that was the quickest, easiest way for *anyone* to become a U.S. citizen, but such is our current national politic.

I mean, service doesn’t guarantee citizenship, but there was a program relatively recently where you could serve to get citizenship. It was actually pretty great for people with language or medical skills who were otherwise inclined to enroll.

did he make a Wild Kratts reference though

that is... terrible.

wait did he oh my god