
maybe you’re implying it’s his nutsack but I think it must be his eggsac and maybe in a couple of months he will release hundreds of tiny baby Donalds to make their way in the world

seconded motion carries

do they though

why? I’m talking about shows written and produced by Michael Schur, which New Girl is not.

Especially fun to click through to that Intercept article and see how Willoughby sought help from Mormon clergy only to be told:

Surely this also connects to Brooklyn Nine Nine! UNITE THE SCHURVERSE!

Came here to post this. Stranglers have already thought about killing you; get out if you can, before they decide to actually go through with it

Talk to your caregiver if you’re worried? Honestly, I wasn’t- the correlation was with *severity* of autism symptoms, not *likelihood of autism*, so I’m betting it’s an indirect correlation with advanced maternal age (a known risk factor) rather than an actual direct causal link between ultrasounds and autism.

right, it’s like getting flashed unintentionally

And the studies on herbal tea are *terrible*! Small sample size, failure to differentiate by contents of herbal tea, etc. etc. There’s some reliable scholarship saying that licorice root in tea is dangerous, and that’s it. And yet, because pregnant women are supposed to live their lives constantly terrified, we’re

*except* that the scholarship on alcohol still isn’t great. Nobody has a clear idea of how much risk is associated with moderate consumption, say, one serving of alcohol a week. There are studies on correlation between caffeine consumption and miscarriage risk, so there are clear and workable guidelines on that. But

Emma hates you fyi

Counterpoint: you love your kid and will do the best for them that you can, and that is probably more important than whatever negligible effects weekly vaginal ultrasounds may have had.

oh my god

I’m sorry for your loss. It sounds truly awful.

uhhhhhh hat? headband? Extremely cool tennis visor?

oh good, I always wondered what it would look like if Mulder and Spike were amalgamated into one unbearable person

lol shit I was gonna send in my kid’s application on Saturday