fuck you Paul Ryan my IUD is here to stay for another ten to twelve years. MENOPAUSE HERE I COME *AIRHORN NOISE AIRHORN NOIIIISSSE*
fuck you Paul Ryan my IUD is here to stay for another ten to twelve years. MENOPAUSE HERE I COME *AIRHORN NOISE AIRHORN NOIIIISSSE*
fuck that, Roy Moore was stacked against Roy Moore
You know, if you’re looking to truly stand out, I’d recommend a vintage Chad.
and for your holiday parties that feature only white men, might I recommend
hmmm hard to figure out the overlap here; I love Butler but don’t particularly like Murakami, so our tastes might not map well. Anyway, the point is, maybe you’ll enjoy Annihilation! If not, you don’t have to read any further! Good luck! :D
Frankly that would be my reaction if I ever met Garland in person, so kudos to Tessa Thompson for getting the opportunity to hold him accountable.
I really loved all three. This person seems to have felt quite the opposite. What other authors do you enjoy? I like e.g. Mieville and Kij Johnson, so the eerie weirdness of Southern Reach was right up my alley.
For year I’ve asked myself why the “good” Muslims” don’t make the terrorist Muslims stop.
Look, if the Trumps know one thing, it’s that you don’t win an election with VOTES.
I didn’t say either of those things.
I’m still here, though. Go ahead, tell me how what I said was asinine, because I definitely was inviting personal insults when I posted here.
Kristy, that’s pretty fucked up. I’m sorry that you needed to hear about women being gang-raped in order to overcome your Islamophobia. But I’m glad you’re going to try and be a better person (?) now.
that’s... what I did? But thanks.
*deep breath* Okay, so, I’ll revise that to:
I didn’t decide anything. I only hope that the women telling these stories did so freely and that they feel a measure of relief as a result. But I don’t feel that I help by reading them.
Yes, but does having their stories disseminated all over the world help them recover? You can tell your story and feel heard in a closed room with one other person. Whereas some survivors of sexual violence talk about encountering unwanted accounts/coverage of their own assaults, and how exposed those attentions made…
Yeah I’m not that, and I don’t know why you’re mentioning that on my comment.
... but I believe them. I don’t need a woman to tell me the details of her sexual assault; it’s enough for me that she says she was sexually assaulted. Moreover, I question whether these women should have to retraumatize themselves just to catch the attention of Westerners who may not have believed that an ongoing…
I... feel a way about reading these narratives. Even if the women telling these stories told them of their own volition, and wanted them to be shared, what good does it do for us to read them? Once one accepts and understands the horror of what is being done to the Rohingya (and the fact that gang rapes were part of…