
RIGHT? the fact that he is practically jerking off thinking about this woman being sexually assaulted tells me everything.

ha ha ha ha ha I’m so glad my first didn’t do this.

“I don’t understand asymmetry of power or situational nuance.” Got it.

hey doydoydoy: do you actually think that I am headed for my broadsword right now, or do you think that maybe I am expressing my rage in an admittedly hyperbolic way that nonetheless will absolutely not result in literally any fucking men at all being fucking killed?

at the point where men on Twitter are shouting me, a sexual assault victim, down on how bad sexual assault is: yes, absolutely, ban male feminists and allies of all types.

yes, this is correct, thank you

sorry, “Based on a thorough survey of the literature I have concluded that statistically speaking, men are trash.”

oh my god fucking murder them fucking all

*to the tune of “Be Our Guest”*

lol woops. I blame Kinja.

Man, you and every other dude in these comments are out here trying to tell me that I’m weird (and also apparently white trash?) for not wanting what “most women demand” (which you then shame said women for anyway). I am entitled to present my actual lived experience, not to prove that I am superior to other women,

Yeah, and what I am criticizing is not his failure to believe victims but his credulous belief in CK’s denial.

idk, at this point he falls soundly into the “guys who think of themselves as good guys and therefore refuse to believe that they/their friends have done anything wrong until given explicit evidence to the contrary” category. Which is most male “allies” tbh.

luckily for him shark fin is usually served extremely well done

Right, not every motherfucker is going to pull a Trump Jr. and tweet out evidence of himself doing the exact thing.

Irrelevant to my suggested principle.