
Gonna file that one under Amazing If True; singing consistently through that much exercise and changes in position is so hard, she must really have her diaphragm in order if she can do it.

holyyyyy shiiiiiiiit

just to be clear this kind of milquetoast capitulation will not save you when we do violently throw off our patriarchal bonds


This is a cute way to dodge, e.g., Jimmy Savile et al.

I get you and I will bring the matches :)

Imagine thinking that you know more than the American Fucking Civil Liberties Union about who the Bill of Rights applies to. COME ON, MAN.

Please, for your own health, just let him chase his own tail on this one. If he wants to stay ignorant and uninformed, let him.

I’m here to help!

What I am saying is different than what you are saying. “Receiving government funds” does not always mean that you’re a part of the government, obviously. But if the state passes a law to create you and dedicates land to you and continues to support you as part of its budget, not through grants or contracts but

As an employee of a state university: if you are established by statute and funded by taxpayer dollars, you are a government institution and are bound by the First Amendment.

and again I say

In all honesty and seriousness: would it? Who does that protest help? What are the chances that it results in any change at all?

. . . yes, protesting our complicity with Saudi Arabia’s war crimes in Yemen would totally help prevent the Burmese military from raping and killing Rohingya Muslims?

It’s cute that you don’t think that Phil Coulson is a Whedon stand-in. :)

yeah, people seem to dislike Beer Bad because it was dumb and frothy, and as I get older dumb and frothy is my favorite flavor of Buffy.

I was rewatching early Buffy a few months back, and the one consistent thing was what an idiot piece of shit Xander was.