what’s.... what is Mitt Romney doing in there?
“The Constitution, which we wrote, DEMANDS that you go give that sad white man a hug! And yet you insist on instead fulfilling your office as the duly-elected president of this country! WHAT ARROGANCE.”
I’m gonna find the original of that and fucking wreck it. not all art has value.
I mean, look, the right of the people peaceably to assemble and petition for a redress of grievances doesn’t mean that they get to do it in just ANY city, does it?
As someone who despaired of what kind of father her husband would be while pregnant and who now is constantly amazed at his patience and devotion to his kids: sometimes you take things as they come.
lol my 4yo boy does the exact same shit with his baby sister and she just lauuuuughs and laughs. STOP EGGING HIM ON GIRL
*tears up* Awwww, good job, Camden, what a good boy.
sure am glad I bought these potassium iodide tablets!
sure is nice that Dinesh D’Souza has been able to recover so quickly from that felony campaign finance fraud conviction.
were you... were you not aware that long-term relationships often end even despite the best intentions of both parties? that’s not my baggage, baby girl, that’s objective reality.
If both parents are equally involved in the child’s life
congratulations on your moral purity/amoral callousness, I’m sure it helps you sleep at night
Spirit of the people is incredible.Thanks!
I’m probably a terrible fucking person
and that’s why he has the right to give the baby his last name? ??_??
I’m sorry you don’t like your name. Had you considered changing it?
oh you sweet summer child
I am NOT clicking on that, nice try tho
excuse you not everyone here is having roast-chicken-surpassing sex on the regular