

Apparently the fascists were preparing for all-out war in Charlottesville:

on CONTEMPT OF COURT charges. Like pardoning a motherfucker for jaywalking.

“If you support racist policies you are a racist.”

I KNOW. Sad omission. :(

screw that man, if I survive the initial blast I’m going for the deepest basement I can find. (I’d better pack some knitting.)

I have to admit, I officially Would Not Care if he decided to renovate his bunker. Enjoy your gold plating, buddy, I’m dead and my atoms have been released out into the universe.

I wouldn’t trust that motherfucker to even feel the impact of the death of millions. He’d start complaining to his aides about how shitty his nuclear winter bunker was within minutes.

I will say this for Trump: I’m sure that people buying all these disaster preparedness supplies will do great things for the economy. And I certainly hadn’t ever planned what to do if a nuclear bomb dropped while I was at work, so that’s nice too.

I’m mad that “happy kids on the lam” is now apparently a music video genre that I enjoy >:(

this was me! I was dumb. Don’t be dumb like me.

“muse” “collector”

Hey, PSA: do not do a Google Image Search on white phosphorus. You will not see pictures of anything remotely resembling a pretty chunk of amber, and what you will see will make you cry.

It is! But I wouldn’t indulge too heavily because it comes off as extremely sad.

*only* your own comments. Like I know about social media and narcissism, but c’mon.

you. star. your. own. comments.

Do you sincerely think (1) that when you called me “pathetic”, you did not intend that as an insult; and (2) that I don’t see you for the confused child that you are after reading your commenting history. Whatever it is you want out of this interaction, I’m not giving it to you. Call your momma and ask why she didn’t

man, you’re all over the place. go meditate or something instead of wasting your precious life insulting people you don’t know on Kinja.