
It’s like they think that if you don’t show it, people won’t believe it happened.

To be fair, those giant multinationals won’t prosecute you for anything.

poor baby! the before and after pix on this are nuts.

For some reason friends and family occasionally give me candles. I don’t burn them because (1) I don’t think to and (2) I have small children, but I can’t throw away a gift and they make the room smell better. Judge me how you will.

Right? I’m not mad that there are rape choreographers, I’m mad that there is a need for rape choreographers.


to blaaaaave, etc. etc.

excellent point, he is also amazing in Scott Pilgrim (as is my other boyfriend Chris Evans)

hmm I don’t know what you mean that could be any old pieta

you’re like the fifteenth person to post this and I don’t care I will star them all

Yeah, I been watching him since he showed up on Arrow. Wish they didn’t spend so much time dumbing him down on Legends, but I guess there are too many geniuses on the Wave Rider lately.


Iiiii actually like the movie tooooo? I mean it has its weak points, but it is not utterly joyless like some I could name.

This is also a great Superman! Like, IN GENERAL, Superman should seem like he enjoys life and likes people. If neither of those apply, he is not Superman. q-e-fucking-d.

Your self-realization is excellent :D

he’s a strange-looking man.

Darling, I love you and your boner, but... I don’t get it.

Counterpoint: that entire metaphor is profoundly dumb and was better/moderately more subtly done in Superman Returns, which is better in almost every respect.

Cillian Murphy or Superman?