Back in spring 2016, Steve Bannon reportedly called Paul Ryan “a limp-dick motherfucker who was born in a petri dish at the Heritage Foundation,”
Back in spring 2016, Steve Bannon reportedly called Paul Ryan “a limp-dick motherfucker who was born in a petri dish at the Heritage Foundation,”
Me looking at that screenshot:
Right? Man, I see human poop in my neighborhood on the regular and not a Roma in sight, I just assume that it was all Tucker Carlson.
it’s almost as if some people are still looking for their chance to be openly racist *chin stroke emoji*
The almost-too-good-to-be-true story of Chippendales is being made into a movie, starring Dev Patel (!!!).
Oh, Burton is a camp auteur, there’s no denying that. But they were certainly dark, if not realistic.
You’re thinking of Batman Begins.
Right? Given that it was the emotional equivalent of being repeatedly punched in the face for two plus hours?
I just... I can’t shake the idea that he is like a half-hour away from going Hugo Schwyzer. But I think that of most super-performative male feminists at this point. 6_6
look if the Queen wants people to think she has already flattened out a month after twins who are we to deny her
Imagine Matt McGorry without the charisma:
To give Kellyanne credit for SOMETHING, she has found some extremely flattering lighting there.
thaaaaank you :)
To be fair, apparently you can be a Russian agent and get elected President of the United States, soooooooooooooo
To be fair, DJTJ is EXTREMELY transparent. You can always tell where that motherfucker is headed before he himself knows.
I object, my baby’s poop smells like cheddar or fresh-baked biscuits, depending on the day.
I feel like Assange should be a little smarter than this level of self-parody, but nope
New East Coast Schedule:
I’m sure people are lining up to buy him drinks right now.