
the US could immediately indict him and arrest him right then and there.

Yeah, I’m much more concerned with having him face his rape charges in a court of law, and we don’t have jurisdiction over those here...


genuine question: are there charges pending against Assange in the U.S. that I haven’t heard of? If not, what the fuck would he be extradited for?

no, YOU DID. You replied to my comment with text addressing the comment I was replying to. FFS.

late-breaking correction from This Is Fine Dog:

No, it’s called “replying to the wrong post and missing your edit window.” Sorry for your friend and his vasectomy regrets, though. He should look into a reversal if he’s serious about having more kids.

*clears throat* But not all Not All White Women own Hillary Clinton shirts- *is immediately read to filth, deservedly*

then you go and fuck it up, TWICE??

nooo, it’s because (in investigating Weiner’s teen-sexting habits on a variety of devices) the FBI found Huma’s work e-mails on their shared laptop. There was nothing on Weiner’s phone that had to do with HRC.

Yeah, and after fourteen months, I admit I do not give enough of a shit about convincing you that “women are more exposed to porn than they are to romantic fiction” (a claim which I did not make in the first place) to do that. SO congratulations, you win. Again. Fourteen months later.

Then why did you reply to me? Check the header info, bruh.

I didn’t watch it, but then, I’m not supposed to consume hard drugs while I’m pregnant. :|

Eternal gif is eternal:

NICE. Hurray research!

I mean, to be fair, (1) your friend is a grown-ass man and should be able to defend his own reproductive choices. If he didn’t want to rule out babymaking forever, he shouldn’t have gotten the vasectomy. (2) Vasectomies are often reversible (over 50% success rate within ten years), so he’s not necessarily stuck.

Man, you would think a woman who’d been through that twice would be REALLY QUITE CERTAIN that she doesn’t want another. Maybe there’s a local reproductive rights org that could help you make your case with your doctor, or find another?

I mean, add some black plastic sheeting and duct tape and the bunker works for the plague as well...

that’s a little inexact; correlation seems to be with (1) older fathers, (2) relatively older fathers with much younger mothers, and (3) relatively older mothers with much younger fathers. To me this implies a behavioral more than a genetic/genomic mechanism, but it doesn’t look like there’s anything bearing either