Police in Cologne, Germany, are investigating dozens of reports of sexual assault and at least one rape by a group…
Police in Cologne, Germany, are investigating dozens of reports of sexual assault and at least one rape by a group…
You’re confusing the organized competitive cheerleading squads with what the NFL does, which is basically just hire dancers.
Whatever, I’m here for it. I appreciate Willow and Jaden and their “weirdness”. I appreciate folks in the limelight who show the multiplicity of Blackness. We will have little Black kids who see themselves as weird/different/eccentric, who don’t fit their peers idea of what it means to be Black (and yes, this even…
Kathy’s thirst is so cringeworthy. She still has these teenage insecurities she could never let go of. At 50+? Fuck that. I could never care that much. After a certain age you just gotta carry yourself with more confidence and dignity than that. You’ve earned it.
Please stop bringing up that the lawyer is doing exactly what she is supposed to be doing. I feel like she is only getting called out because she is a black female lawyer. When that George Zimmerman’s lawyer was dragging Trayvon Martin through the mud nobody focused on him for doing his job. He is even on CNN as a…
Women will go to a movie just because Channing Tatum is in it, but men will not go to a movie just because of Jennifer Lawrence. But even male actors have much less box office draw than they used to, especially since the international box is so important these days.
...by troll do you mean someone who disagrees with you?
Her argument also ignores the possibility that the persons in those positions previously were fired bc the company felt the position was being overpaid for the value added.
There might not be a reason why there should be a difference in box office draw between the highest paid male and female actors, but the reality is there is a difference. If Star A’s movies consistently pull more than $100 million dollars in ticket sales and Star B’s more at the $50 million dollar level, then their…
The nearly always correct Killer Mike has described fuckboys thusly: “You can identify fuckboys…because they are…