Roger Sterling's Lucky Strikes

So, will next year be the year of Mad Men?

Was I hearing things or did they introduce Steven Moffat as a life long fan of Doctor Who and an occasional writer of the series? If that's what I heard, it's quite an understatement?

Yeah!!! Let's get out our pitchforks and torches because he has an opinion that we don't agree with! Burn him at the stake!

I know the reference to the New Spiderman movie was a paid plug,because Sheldon would never go see a super hero move that veered so far from the comic.

Thanks for posting this. I would have never listened to this score otherwise. The whole thing is on Spotify.

Yeah…I keep waiting for them to open and release a river of blood ala The Shining.

I know. This whole splitting the season in 1/2 is annoying. Mad Men isn't a cliff hanger type show. I feel like splitting it will just disrupt the momentum.

Yes, but the elevator still looks like the 2001 Monolith.

Peter Criss' stunt double, Mark Singer. He would be playing as Peter Criss, of course.

Too bad there wasn't another guy in Nirvana who could sing and play the guitar…oh…wait.

I can't stress how much fun it is to listen to OFF! while running the indoor track at the Y.

The drummer is from a band called Earthless..and maybe Rocket From the Crypt too,…I think.

$26.5 million for a show that was cobbled together from something that already aired? Snark if you will, but that's impressive. I guess we will be seeing more of this from Hollywood. Joy.

We were told 6"-12" and got less than 1 inch….but I'm not complaining.

That picture: Walking the Red Carpet…old school.

John, you could have taken the hair off. We appreciate you going all in.

I didn't think Gravity was that great. Maybe there was too much hype, but other than it looking really great, there wasn't much else to it. The dialogue was eye-ball rolling.

That video was awesome…but there is a reason why this is a short film.

The best ending for me would be Fiona coming out of that painting and killing everyone. Last scene would be of her sitting around smoking. Credits.

"but you should understand that when you kill yourself with booze and drugs, I’m going to think you’re stupid. That’s just how it is."