
If the show decides to reveal that Issa knew she was pregnant this whole time it will have really broken ~the cardinal rules of narrative~

I’m incredibly dubious that Daniel came on Issa’s face on purpose as part of some master plan for revenge. The apology looked like a way to just try to get past it and smooth things over, and the “I guess we’re even” seemed like a poorly timed joke intended to keep things light. Since Issa had never given him head

I really hope that the Dro storyline doesn’t resolve as “the open relationship is a lie and he’s been cheating the whole time.” To me that’s a very Shonda Rhimes twist, giving Molly a solid out (“I don’t want to enable cheating”) without giving her the chance to grow and confront her real issue— that her childhood

I hate this new format of responding. I want DISQUS. You see there are less comments than they’re regularly are.

For the first time while watching this show, I genuinely disliked Issa at certain points. I get that people get in their feelings and lash out but the way she continued to overreact to Lawrence and Daniel was really off putting.

ARH, you were right last week! Props.

- I felt so tense when Issa called out the Vice Principal’s behaviour in public, then I felt relieved when he laughed, which made me laugh along cathartically

Sorry for shouting, but

Kelli is the beacon of light in all of the embarrassing sadness of the rest of these people.

This episode made me so anxious. These lovable fuckwits need to get their shit together. Poor Issa and Molly.

Issa turned down the first drink but then ordered a whisky at the table and got hammied. (also, please GOD don’t let her be pregnant, because that cliché is NOT the way this season should end.)

That was one frosty birthday party, icicles were hanging off the table, and then Issa struck Lawrence to the bone with the “I don’t see woot woot on my phone” comment. That left a nasty mark.

“I’ma put a dozen eggs in a water gun, we gonna roll up to that n****’s house, and just [gun noise] I’ma spray his face with cum eggs.”