Chip Chipperson

I totally get why people do not trust CPD (as a former Chicagoan I don’t trust the CPD) but the thing is this was a very high profile incident from the jump (as compared to others, which became famous later). This was a big deal for Chicago on the national scene and CPD knew they would be under the national spotlight

Re: Relocation

Wow. They had 3 officers that were wounded responding to the attack at the synagogue. They should be honored too. They showed ultimate bravery. Your article is what tears people apart. Why didn’t you mention these men put their lives on the line during Saturday’s attack? Your article is one sided and spews hate. 

Thats the thin blue line flag not some blue lives matter flag.

Chris Thompson is why democrats hate the democrats.

That other guy’s Britt McHenry costume is on point though

I’d never heard this read on it before. I thought the point was not only to rib Hollywood, but to also chastise Stiller’s character for his blatantly insensitive portrayal. How else could they have done that without showing his portrayal of the character, save deleting the whole bit entirely?

I guess we should just be grateful he didn’t go as Kirk Lazarus.

HamNo complaining about bias in media is rich.

Fox News is a media organization that exists largely to carry out large-scale news laundering on behalf of the Republican Party.

Two games is a joke. The NHL should embrace the young talented stars they have and protect them from foolishness like this. WWE is already on TV twice a week, this stuff isn’t necessary in the NHL

will be among the first up against the wall when the Revolution comes :)

As someone who works in direct competition with FOX, and who despises the very airwaves they beam up, it’s ludicrous to tell these people to just up and quit.

NYC is the #1 broadcast market in the US. Market size directly affects your pay scale. As someone who started in local TV back in the ‘80s in a Top 40 market, I