
* Looks at 2014 MacBook Pro *

Genius. So when they decide to wage war and get their vehicles to and from the U.S. and Britain it’s possible through a connected road. Sounds very similar to let’s hold the Olympics in Russia, built facilities, then attack Ukraine. Please let’s just make it easier for Russia why don’t we!

That's great and all but that will only work for about 20 years when the next generation of drivers hit the road. My assessment comes from living in Italy where the roads are extremely narrow yet accidents are still frequent. My first time driving there led to exactly what this is trying to instill. Slow driving.

Wow.. They barely did SNES any justice on this video.

Never had a chance to drop from a C-17 in Airborne school. I was on standby my first jump but the Air Force pilots had "Maintenance Issues" and left for the day. How convenient!

I know, almost for a fact, he did not say "Yo brethren, hitz me up with one of demz Android Sony Tablets to lightz this tree on FIRE!" It will probably say "Push Here" with an arrow pointing at a big digital red button, push it and he will never use it again. Preplanned by his tech staff if he even has one....

He sounds like the male version of SIRI. My thing is... Can I tell it to turn WI-FI and Bluetooth off and on. I turn those suckers off and on a lot to save battery when I only truly need it and it would save me the annoyance of having to go into setting, general, bluetooth bla bla so on etc. To me THAT'S what would

Plus, per Army Regulation, you must wear white over the ankle socks which, for these specific shoes, you are unable to do. I had a Soldier while in the PT uniform come to me last week wearing these god awful things and asked "Why?".... I told him he had exactly 2 minutes to run to his room and change into authorized

Yes... Giant ones....

Is that such a bad thing?

Bill Approves!

Yeah but the dude holding the remote had the emotion that the robot could not. Fail emotion.

Outsourcing is the issue. Not the iPad/iPod/Kindle so on etc.. It's hilarious how he brought that up and yet he says technology is killing jobs.

I'm 26 and have owned:

"Due to high demand we are only able to accommodate a limited number of users to the site. Register early to get in line.".... That's on their homepage. What a sad sad world this has become.

Of course... It's running 1024x768 and the Xoom is at 1280x800. The higher the resolution the higher the system has to push. It would be comparable if the resolutions were the same.

Glad to see they finally posted the final episode of Spartacus... took 'em long enough!

And that is why we must not forget conventional warfare tactics!