
The gift led to the family’s potential net worth dropping $2.994 billion dollars and funds an environmental non-profit in perpetuity. Who cares about the freaking tax implication?

Orbits don’t work that way. If you are lower, then you orbit faster, and it won’t stay lined up for long. If you slow down, then it will go even more lower.

Okay. Once more time to people complaining about slideshows. Narrow the browser window to about the width of the main column and refresh the screen. The slides are now one long post with pictures. You’d think that Lifehacker would have done a post on this.


Nope, read the whole thing.  Of which, only 71 out of over 500 words are in that selection, compared to 268 talking about fires and deaths unrelated to the purpose of the party.

I couldn’t care less if someone wants to reveal the gender of their child at a party. More power to em. Maybe just be safe and don’t burn shit down? I’m pretty sure these “incidents” are the exception, and a whole article didn’t need to be written blaming every gender reveal party for a few idiots who like to play

Why tell people what and how to celebrate? 

Sorry for your wife and friend’s losses.

I am not acting like that, thanks.  I think the article did a poor job defending its premise, that’s all.  I couldn’t give two shits whether gender reveal parties exist or don’t.

Isn’t the problem people blowing up shit and not the gender reveal? You didn’t do much at all to convince me that the parties (as in the original) are a problem, just the escalation — all of which could be a baby shower or announcement and have nothing to do with gender revelation.

You assume people are paying their rent with this money? This situation doesn’t suddenly make irresponsible people pay their bills.

I mean, the President doesn’t have the ability to do that on his own and frankly, I’m not sure the US really has the budget for it either.

He can only do so much without congress, who can’t agree or are not there. This is super creative using the CDC powers of being able to make rules based on virus spread. I can;t stand him but this is a good thing, it will however hurt landlords and banks in the short run.

Twins! Congratulations! Little humans are the best :).

Just curious,

Just curious,

Sucks to be in the mousetrap business. 

This is totally it. Use AI to optimize mirror movement instead of using super-high-end servos with high resolution telemetry and all that jazz. Even the weak-ass AI available now should be capable of using rapid trial-and-error to find the ideal angle on every single mirror throughout the entire day, constantly

With the service issues.. most of this cleared up by mid-day Tuesday. This article seems like it was being written then and even though most things are better you decided to just publish it because you already put work into it.

After using the service for two days the only bug I keep encountering is the watch list.

This. I would be fine with a raise in taxes if I had some modicum of control over how it was spent. Instead I have to deal with my money being tossed at stuff I don’t believe in, instead of what I do believe in. If I was a multi-billionaire, I would be similar to Gates in that I’d have no need for all the money and