Nope, read the whole thing. Of which, only 71 out of over 500 words are in that selection, compared to 268 talking about fires and deaths unrelated to the purpose of the party.
Nope, read the whole thing. Of which, only 71 out of over 500 words are in that selection, compared to 268 talking about fires and deaths unrelated to the purpose of the party.
I couldn’t care less if someone wants to reveal the gender of their child at a party. More power to em. Maybe just be safe and don’t burn shit down? I’m pretty sure these “incidents” are the exception, and a whole article didn’t need to be written blaming every gender reveal party for a few idiots who like to play…
Why tell people what and how to celebrate?
Sorry for your wife and friend’s losses.
I am not acting like that, thanks. I think the article did a poor job defending its premise, that’s all. I couldn’t give two shits whether gender reveal parties exist or don’t.
Isn’t the problem people blowing up shit and not the gender reveal? You didn’t do much at all to convince me that the parties (as in the original) are a problem, just the escalation — all of which could be a baby shower or announcement and have nothing to do with gender revelation.
You assume people are paying their rent with this money? This situation doesn’t suddenly make irresponsible people pay their bills.
I mean, the President doesn’t have the ability to do that on his own and frankly, I’m not sure the US really has the budget for it either.
He can only do so much without congress, who can’t agree or are not there. This is super creative using the CDC powers of being able to make rules based on virus spread. I can;t stand him but this is a good thing, it will however hurt landlords and banks in the short run.
Twins! Congratulations! Little humans are the best :).
Just curious,
Just curious,
What an odd take on this campaign. Beshear’s stance on abortion may have nearly cost him this race, and probably the bigger mistake by Bevin was to wait until the end to focus on it. Nor does this exactly harken a new era in Kentucky with Republicans winning several down ballot races by 20% and taking back the two…
I am 6 feet tall and about 185 lbs. Never had an issue with leg room because I sit with my butt all the way to the back of my seat. For larger humans there are options such as buying a seat with extra leg room, first class, etc. Also, the seats recline from the bottom which means the actual area where your knees are…
K so.... I need to recline. Especially on long flights. My back, legs, hips, can’t sit upright for hours on end. So I don’t care if people recline in front of me either. Regarding meal time, it’s required on flights that I’ve been on, that you straighten your seat while it’s meal time. So I don’t see that one as an…
fuck that, if i’m stuck on a plane for 12 hours I WILL take my shoes off.
“‘Bing Bong!’ Looks like we’ll be here for a while. Take a look at the Waymo Bites menu in the rear pocket and I’ll be happy to release a snack for as low as $4.99.”
Why on earth would Waymo’s readiness have anything to do with Uber’s? That’s completely absurd. Waymo has no fatalities in over 10M miles. You can argue about whether that is enough, but one company with a crappy product is no indication about the quality of a competitor.
We’ll see how well they do. If it was Tesla saying they were doing this, I wouldn’t buy it, but Waymo seems to be both the tech leader, and reasonably cautious about their deployment. I don’t think they’d be doing it if they didn’t think it would work well. I do imagine that since they will be running a mix, they will…
Total number of crashes: 36
Where do you see wealth politics? I see perfectly legitimate questioning of the environmental impact of services like this in the last fifth of a long and detailed article. Should the extremely valid concerns raised by carbon-powered transport not be covered on a site that’s dedicated to the subject of motor vehicles?