3 Gigameter
3 Gigameter
If you work 80 hours a week, then yes.
I got married last Nov, and tax was one of the main reasons. My wife was a student last year, so I received ~$10K in tax return. I just bought a house this year, so with my lower tax rate, pay raise, and mortgage deduction, I’m getting ~$1.7K/month more than last year. May be it just shows how much taxes Government…
I don’t use the wake-up light, but I’d like to let others know about this app called “Sleep Cycle” It’s a free app which monitors your sleep cycle using phone’s microphone. If you set alarm between 6 - 6:30am, it’ll wake you up at when you are in light sleep. I tried this this morning, because I’ve been in early shift…
I don’t use the wake-up light, but I’d like to let others know about this app called “Sleep Cycle” It’s a free app…
For effective federal tax rate to be 10%, your taxable income should be under $9225 if you are single, or $18450 if you are married. Cannot believe that your taxable income would be that low if you own a house.
If you open a coffee shop, you want to have everyone visiting your shop, not just people waiting for their cars to be fixed. It makes sense to have it inside Wholefood because they have huge traffic. Dealership doesn’t have that kind of traffic to justify the shop.
I would avoid going to the national parks those days. Last time I went to the Yosemite (not during one of those free admission days, but it was on Saturday), there was heavy traffic from one view point to another. It normally takes 30 minutes, but ended up wasting 2 hours in a car. I’d gladly pay 20 bucks to enjoy…
I knew they would use evolution as an answer, but come on. Stop using answer that cannot be observed or experimented. You can never prove that people who liked other people’s fart were not fit enough to survive. And how do you even put that information into DNA? It’s not like you’ll have certain kinds of gut bacteria…
10 times did it for me.
I’ve been using the Amazon Store card for several years, and I have none of issues. I think those who wrote negative reviews are the ones who opted for 0% interest finance and went over the promotion period.
I’ve been using the Amazon Store card for several years, and I have none of issues. I think those who wrote negative…
Now is a good time for alibaba or some other internet store to offer free two days delivery on chromecast and apple tv for free marketing. I'll make sure to buy from them just to show amazon. I've been amazon prime member for the last 6 years. Next month will be the last.
I think this applies only when the cable is very long. For most setup, cheap 6ft cable should be fine. You’d only worry about attenuation or interference when cable is 20ft+. Even then, may be just use signal amplifier. It should come out cheaper.
Oh and it felt really nice that they KNEW me by name and offered to take a jacket and to rent free iPad for me to play during flight.
I was offered 1st class ticket for $100 more than economy from LAX to YVR. 1st class had 3 checked baggages free with 70lb limit. Economy charged $25, $35, $35 for the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd checked baggages with 50lb limit for each. So I bought the 1st class ticket for my trip to Whistler. I had my checked cloth luggage,…
In Torrance CA, where average household income is $50K ~ $80K depending on Zip Code, average “sold” house price is $650K. So, although I make more than their upper average income, I can’t afford to live there.
There’s an older version, DO-178B. Our project follows this process. I searched google and found DO-178A was written in 1985.
Isn’t that just a process to get DO-178C level A certification? Every mission critical avionics software follow that process.
You should just write the date 7 months past, so you don’t have to ever pay your rent. You’re welcome. Just send me the half of your savings to me in post-dated check.
I and my college friends are all making 6 figures, but my school is ranked quite lower than I expected... May be our school has too many liberal arts degrees...
I have 2011 MBP which has 2 SSDs and upgraded ram. I thought about buying the new retina Macbook because I really wanted a high resolution monitor, but at the end, I bought two 27 inch WQHD monitors for $600. One is ACER which can get display port daisy chained to another monitor. This way, my MBP can have high…