
Whatever. He’s just like every other starter in the playoffs these days - he gets yanked before the game is even half over.

A totally innocent conversation, I swear, about their brother Spider got Chris Bosio fired.

So glad the I logged in.

Kinja needs a down vote button. Most of your rant has nothing to do with the story above. Since you brought it up, the media did EVERYTHING it could to make sure a liberal won the White House.

Dearly begloved, we are gathered today...

Richie Tennenbaum is currently trending on Twitter.

Meanwhile his brother Khris got drunk and sunburned to shit out on the lake today.

He should sell cartoon balloons in town

Because the Queen dines on the infants of peasants on Sunday’s and doesn’t much like mixing sport and with delicacies, you simpleton. “Fuck your work schedule, you cunt,” she’d rightfully tell you.

I dunno. In the video, I thought his forehand looked pretty good for an old guy in a suit.

Meh, he can’t land a backhand but he hits a reasonable forehand. That said, those pics belong in the FUPA Hall of Fame.

Took me way too long to determine if Baker Mayfield was the defendant or the law firm.

+1 hash driveway

“Son, is this you or the liquor pretending to be Tulowitzki?”
“Dad... I am the liquor.”


Holy shit shut up.

When it comes to nuclear strategy, missile defense systems are considered destabilizing because they make a first-strike policy more feasible. In other words, when it comes to MAD, the best offense is an airtight defense.

“Human beings have infinite capacities and skills, the problem is that our mind limits us. Telepathy, telekinesis and many more things are all possible. The problem is that we have never been helped to develop these skills, on the contrary we have been made to believe that these things are impossible.”


It’s not a rule. Players who are out of contract will obviously have their contracts renewed. I’m a Notts County fan. Back in the day before short-termism we had the same core group of players playing for us in 3 different divisions.

Do we have the makings of another Cinnamon Challenge with stupid YouTube videos to follow?

Do we have the makings of another Cinnamon Challenge with stupid YouTube videos to follow?