This is the shittiest fucking take possible.
This is the shittiest fucking take possible.
let’s keep in mind that applying logic to to the actions of those who suffer from serious mental illness issues is fucking stupid.
Brands don’t create things, people do. Tim Cain and Leonard Boyarsky are two of the original creators of Fallout, which they made while working at Interplay. They’re both now at Obsidian and leading development on The Outer Worlds.
does copyright protect stuff like the full metal jacket helmet that opens up that music video?
This is a bad take.
assuming your university doesn’t block VPNs, which is addressed in the article that was too long to read.
True, it’s a *great* game!
You know what? I actually turn off the music when I play this game because I dislike it so much. To me, it’s often so busy as to be bland. It feels like a bunch of ok ideas poorly executed all at once. Maybe if I listened with headphones as opposed to TV speakers?
I have it on PC but I exclusively use a controller for it. Always found it much easier that mouse and keyboard (even as someone that generally prefers M+K over a controller).
So pricks like you can put down your Battle Duty 19 and take notice.
Pretty sure that’s what Sonic Mania is.
Let’s make this very clear. The belief that, say, transgender people shouldn’t be allowed to use the bathrooms of their choice is disgusting, and I disagree with it. The belief that women shouldn’t have the right to control their own bodies is disgusting, and I disagree with it. The belief that blacks and Jews should…
And proud graduate of Hollywood Upstairs Medical College
They’re the Pokemon that can learn Crush three times.