
She’s been *literally* trying to flee him since before the marriage. That woman is trapped. She had to be escorted to the alter - and not in a happy way.

Apparently, Harry Hamlin, Amelia’s father, isn’t nearly as bothered by this difference because when he was 28, he was with Ursula Andress, who was 44 at the time.

My sister got all three of her kids vaxxed the second it was okayed. Because she’s not an idiot.

So wait, you have to be 19 in Nebraska until parental permission is gone? Nanny state much?

This is the epitome of the Silicon Valley way: launch a half-assed startup that interjects *cough* disrupts *cough* into an existing service enough to become a nuisance and then shake down governments or any other deep pockets you can find for the other half of the ass under a mix of threats and wild promises.

I was actually very lucky in hindsight that my very Christian conservative mom was pro-vaccine. It was probably the only “liberal” thing she ever supported in her life, but I think a combination of anti-vax messaging still being for financially privileged people at the time and some of her siblings dying young due to

britney said her “whole family” in her testimony so that means her whole damn family

I think I’d be more inclined to trust Jamie-Lynn’s word here if she wasn’t one of the trustees on Britney’s conservatorship and directly in control of some of her money. I mean, better her than their father probably, but her involvement directly contradicts her claim that she made a “very conscious choice” to “only

I mean, the guy's not wrong. He made it sound sexist and patronizing, though, and that's the takeaway.  Women shouldn't be stuck in traffic when they've got cooking and cleaning to do, and it's hard to shine that statement up.

Hahaha...women don’t have to work! Don’t get me wrong; it’s cute when you ladies bring home your little paychecks and then go buy yourselves some little fancies. But you have a MAN to pay the real bills. And if he’s not making enough, he shouldn’t have decided to be poor. And if you don’t have a man, well, you should

I watched the interview live, and I thought he wasn’t wrong, and he was trying to make a bipartisan appeal. If Amy Klobuchar made the same point, this would be a different headline (maybe not, this site hates Amy because she yelled about eating salad with a comb). I’m finally done with my commuting years now that my

Another, very sobering reality is the number of dead Americans who once filled a large number of these low-paying positions. Those that had to deal with the no-maskers, and in close contact no less. These are the people who got sick first, and let’s be real about the ability to have a healthy body when you’re not paid

The threat of ruinous poverty kept people in shitty jobs for generations; the United States’ refusal to provide a remotely adequate safety net is almost certainly a deliberate choice (spread across various decision makers, current and over time,) to perpetuate this system. People will eventually go back to shitty jobs

Its a holdover from when many infants died before, during or just after childbirth. 

My mom tells me it used to be considered bad luck to have a baby shower, party, or make a big spectacle over pregnancy in general. Idk if it’s a holdover from the “old countries” as my grandma was Greek and Italian. She was prone to some old superstitions. It’s nice that pregnancy is celebrated more nowadays, but it’s

One other point: unemployment isn’t a complete replacement for wages; it’s only partial.

No, no. It’s the laziness and moral turpitude of the workers infected with commie ideas who are at fault! Won’t someone think of the job creators?!

Cool. Now that we’re “over” covid, we’re expected to go back to working slave wages, no benefits, no vacation time, no raises and needing to work multiple jobs to make ends meet? Fuck this country, fuck the union-busting bullshit and fuck billionaires. 

No. Any “Reveal Event” is corny and stupid, be it pregnancy, product or gender. Even the....

The one detail about NXIVM that endlessly fascinates me is that one of the remaining diehard believers is Mack’s now former spouse Nicki Clyne, who you may remember as that really annoying deckhand on the show Battlestar Galactica.