
That was...a lot more gross than I was expecting. Wow!

How fancy of a school do you have to go to before you get picked on for the name of your earldom?

There are no shortage of people, including writers on Jezebel, who have criticized Swift for using her breakups as song material. That said, I don’t think their behavior is entirely comparable. Aside from some statements very early in her career when she broke up with Joe Jonas (which he’s said she’s apologized to him

While Timberlake would have received a bombardment of hate, snarky reaction memes, and the like regardless of what he said, perhaps a simple “Free Britney” would have sufficed.

Oh, Justin, cry ME a river!

And then this anti vaxxing, sexist trailer trash tried to make this about him..

I’m not talking about all biracial people; I’m referring to one person who claims to be biracial, although his parents are both listed as white on his birth certificate.

“The control he had to hurt his own daughter, he loved it. I worked seven days a week ... it was like sex trafficking. I didn’t have a credit card, cash or my passport.”

“during these proceedings, Jamie Spears has sold the family home and is currently living in an RV parked in a warehouse full of Britney Spears memorabilia in her hometown of Kentwood, Louisiana.”

So he thinks cheerleaders have more authority and influence than other people?  He’s been out of high school for a long long time.  Or maybe I just hung out with iconoclasts.  Cheerleaders doing something was a reason NOT to, and not because we were anti school or anything - we were the geeks.  But following what

All is not well in the home of Tori Spelling and Dean McDermott. [Us Weekly]

This lady has six kids and didn’t think to disclose her pregnancy or ask about drug interactions at the time of service with the doctor who prescribed her medicine who may have saved them both trouble by prescribing her appropriate treatment for her and her fetus if that had been known to them.

The problem with that is, you can’t possibly avoid buying any product that is problematic in some, way, shape or form.

Your last point is almost valid, except that you vastly underestimate the number of people in this country that are -at best - COMPLETELY ignorant, medically. It is perfectly likely that she never even though disclosing the pregnancy was important regardless of how many kids she has. She might even just assume that

Absofuckingloutely! When I finally applied for disability, some people in my own family started giving me shit about it. I continued to work for five more years after I got hurt because I didn’t want to give up. The whole time I was repeatedly asking my employer if and how I could move up into a more supervisory, less

Same here in Orlando (wonder who is driving that business model?). During the pandemic when everything was shut down lots of hospitality workers just left because there was literally no work in town. Now places are opening back up and still only offering a barely noticeable increase over 2019 wages and wondering why

We never imagined that anyone would want to do that job full-time in order to raise a family.”

Highlighted the problem there for you.

Here, here. There is nothing like working a retail job to turn an ordinary person into cynic and misanthrope. And it’s not that every customer is rude and aggressive, but there are enough of them on a daily and weekly basis to make you feel like you are a human punching bag.

Retail and food service have always had terrible customer issues but I can’t count how many times over the past year I was at a Target or a grocery store or anyplace really and a customer lost their shit over something stupid. I saw a poor Target worker get screamed at by some insane shopper and tried to say something

Where I live (a small town near Sedona) the regional economy is driven by tourism. The industry is suffering from a lack of employees eager to return to crappy, low paid hotel and restaurant jobs. The common complaint is "nobody wants to work!" Not so. They just don't want to work for *you*. Having spent years in the