
Isn’t that just the thing, though? Alito declaring that abortion is not foundational to our history and citing 17th century English witchhunters he’s decided that women’s history does not exist and when it does it is, in his view, justifiably in the context of violence against women.

Oh, I appreciate the call out. I know they’re a troll. They were already un-grey when I commented, that’s why I did what I did. I didn’t think their comment should stand on its’ own.

The tone of this article almost suggests children getting raped and impregnated is a normal fact of life

I’ll bite. I should know better.

Ways out of the greys:

Might have gotten Kinja’d.

So, look, I know we’re trying to make this story visible and a “thing.” I gave Jez the benefit of the doubt when it came to Griner articles but this one is quite something.

The self-image of a lot of American’s depends on their ability to measure themselves against others AND believe whole-heartedly that you “earned” your position in the hierarchy (or God loves you more).

Domestic labor is labor.

Isn’t the GOP’s main gripe about the tax system that much of the population is too poor to tax (therefore we should tax them, anyway)?

Wild to me that Clarkson’s ex and Reba McEntire’s ex are father and son who are receiving spousal support following these respective divorces.

I don’t know to what degree we meaningfully address the role spouses of the wealthy and corrupt play in the exploitation of others.

“Knowing her as well as I did at that point, it was so unlike her to not have condemned it, that that was the moment it all kind of broke me,” Grisham said.

Probably also true!

Eh, I think they can squeeze a few more election cycles out of it. If you’re an independent, you could believe that Kamala was just doing her job if you’re mostly pro-to-neutral on cops.

VP is, by design, a thankless role. But the impression I got from Kamala being picked (beyond being a token gesture of equality) was that she was going to be very visible as part of her training to be the next candidate for President.

Kamala keeps being terrible at being interviewed. You’re VP, ma’am, you’ve got plenty of time to practice.

Where I live, it’s Southern Baptists and Evangelicals always making a big show about how Christian they are while, of course, not following the words of the God they claim to love so much.

“And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by others. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward in full.  
But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your

And if they had a majority/supermajority because progressives et al fell in line? How could a Congress under Hillary Clinton have protected abortion rights, forever and ever, if they didn’t codify it?