
It's fiddly, not fiddy. You need to put on your glasses!

I was thinking the same thing. Also, when you clap that way, your hands are not up in front of your face, right where the cameras are focused.

I imagine I will spend time on all the sites I have seen listed, and will have to hope that others are doing the same. Perhaps other TCM fans will be watching the same movies I am, and can begin the same discussions/questions/answers/snark as we used to share on IMDB over time. I just hate losing the fun of

They truly don't care. If they cared, they would at least archive it into a searchable "knowledge base".

That's because about 10 years ago they took the "Message board" choice off the main page and put it under the "More" drop-down button. So most of the people who still frequent the message boards are the ones who started using it 15 years ago, and know where to look.

I found a way to post a comment on that site, but couldn't find a "sign the petition" button. So hopefully posting a comment added my name to the petition. No way to know, though.

There are so many users on IMDB that I wish I could personally thank for enriching my life over the years. And now eventually we will all forget each other. Damn shame. (user name = RRozsa)

The problem with using the Reviews in order to just post a question, is that you cannot 1) scroll down the subject lines and find the one which addresses the point we need to discuss, and 2) post replies to keep the discussion going.

I see threads going back prior to 2000 in some cases.

I am absolutely devastated. My husband and I do not take vacations or trips — we watch TV. I have DVR in four rooms of my house. And my laptop goes with me wherever I go, IMDB comments at the ready to read what others have said about the movie, answer other people's questions, or search for a thread which answers

What is CORAL? I seem to be out of the loop.