You’re right - perhaps The Pudding should make an apology video?
You’re right - perhaps The Pudding should make an apology video?
Once again, I apologize on behalf of Tenneseeans. We're dumb and cannot help but do dumb shit.
I’d say both are misunderstood, in that most people draw the exact opposite lessons from them.
I made it to No Code, but hearing what I came after, I never went any further. And No Code was a stretch after Vitalogy.
Technically, that’s a “pat” of butter, not a whole stick. Otherwise, I approve 100%.
I’m fully convinced that the “report this post” option does absolutely nothing.
This is the “learn to code!” of Kinja comments.
Awesome, thank you so much!
Would there happen to be a video posted anywhere of the Doom run? I’d love to see that.
I don’t see how people can’t realize that it can be two things at once - that Soleimani was a bad guy, but drone striking him was also a bad idea. It’s really not that much of a stretch. Unless you’re a fuckwit concern troll, I guess.
I played an earlier version of this on my Game Gear. Yes, I know I’m old.
After what Trent did with Year Zero, I figured he'd have a field day with the Trump administration.
I get what you mean, I guess my style is just boring and very t-shirt oriented.
Alright, I think I could get behind this.
I’ll be honest, I was shocked to be reminded that some of this dumb shit happened this year. I swear to Jesus it’s felt like an entire fucking decade of bullshit.
In talking about this time period, I noticed a distinct lack of Earthbound.
Ok, I thought I was an old, but I do not think I have ever observed black tie-dye in the wild before.
Really not that tough.If you kill the person who’s trafficking you, premeditated or not, I call it self defense.
Reached for further comment, Murkowski shook her head, waggled her finger, then muttered about “civility” and being “troubled”.