Mayo isn’t the best dipping sauce but it makes the best dipping sauce. Add it to everything.
Mayo isn’t the best dipping sauce but it makes the best dipping sauce. Add it to everything.
Mayo isn’t the best dipping sauce but it makes the best dipping sauce. Add it to everything.
Mayo isn’t the best dipping sauce but it makes the best dipping sauce. Add it to everything.
OOOOOOOOOOOH! The story is about you now! Look at you go.
Lol, what? The horror fantasy is strong in this one.
Trump did it first, does that make him a saint’s saint?
If you look at the edges you can see there were lines down the street until they go out of frame of people still trying to get in.
At the end of the video she explains the thought that went into the name. She says it’s submarine combat in a space environment.
If she liked America so much I think $495 is a small price to pay.
These articles get more and more laughable by the day.
What kind of progress is he trying to roll back for women’s rights? Making women pay for their own abortions?
Because it’s ran by the government.
Kara Brown sure hates white people.
The crucial thing about this dinner is nothing. But way to go on continuing to paint a doom and gloom heaven or hell click bait fantasy for your liberal following.
Why does it have to be an “anti-trans” and not a “pro-science” bathroom bill?
The perpetrators were probably emboldened by all the anti-Semitism in the Qur’an.
Type casting a group of people based on their sexuality, grade A writing here.
Nailed what? What’s facism? Lol.
Good’ol CNN.
Scandal free?! Wtf are you talking about? Lol