60 MPH + winds, that's hurricane force.
60 MPH + winds, that's hurricane force.
Nothing wrong with research, even (or especially "pie-in-the-sky" research) Nothing wrong with trying new ideas.
Cure is to warm up the soft palate. Your thumb, or a metal spoon, something to heatsink the area and warm it up. Works like a charm.
Thank you. It is important to remember the past, and not repeat it.
$9,000? Really? Seriously?
May we have a third voting button, "Kill It With Fire" please?
Are you kidding? Austin is right there. The motto "Keep Austin Weird" fits right in with F1
I would not like it as a car, I would not like it as a bar, I would not like it Sam I Am...
Corvair? Really?
maybe someday he will get his license back. But for now, please keep him off the road. He has demonstrated his contempt quite thoroughly.
Cool idea, maybe even quality execution. But 12Gs? Sorry, it shall not pass.
It needs a big old wing on the back...and maybe on the front
More than a little alarming and misleading title. If Microsoft or Apple turned off some servers it would be no big deal. I'm not here as a defender of the FBI necessarily, nor an attacker. But I do believe in accurate, non-inflammatory writing. That is all.
makes me think of something like this....
looks like something being pulled through the water from the front.
pretty is as pretty does. I'm just sayin'
an oldie - DKW = Deutche Kleine Wagen
Awesome! Get my Dr. Bukks teef, overalls, load up the bed with old washers and head to the most hoity toity hotel in downtown Dallas. Pull up to the val-lay parking and toss that sucker the keys and tell them that you want to book a room for you and all your cousins who will be arriving shortly. Note as an aside that…
Shouldn't this article be entitled "A Track Star Is Going To Help An F1 Team Make Pitstops Faster"?