Cool idea, maybe even quality execution. But 12Gs? Sorry, it shall not pass.
Cool idea, maybe even quality execution. But 12Gs? Sorry, it shall not pass.
It needs a big old wing on the back...and maybe on the front
More than a little alarming and misleading title. If Microsoft or Apple turned off some servers it would be no big deal. I'm not here as a defender of the FBI necessarily, nor an attacker. But I do believe in accurate, non-inflammatory writing. That is all.
looks like something being pulled through the water from the front.
pretty is as pretty does. I'm just sayin'
an oldie - DKW = Deutche Kleine Wagen
Awesome! Get my Dr. Bukks teef, overalls, load up the bed with old washers and head to the most hoity toity hotel in downtown Dallas. Pull up to the val-lay parking and toss that sucker the keys and tell them that you want to book a room for you and all your cousins who will be arriving shortly. Note as an aside that…
Shouldn't this article be entitled "A Track Star Is Going To Help An F1 Team Make Pitstops Faster"?
OK, y'all are falling down on the job so I'll pick up the slack...this thing needs a Hayabusa engine conversion...
He DESERVED to win for having the cajones to stick that gap.
He had also better hope any kidnappers don't read Gizmodo.....
About F***ing Time is what I have to say. Please don't put a freaking electric motor in it, please let it be RWD, stick shift and an engine with some cajones. You know, like what Toyota did. A real fun car and not a retro-nod like the Camaro.
up to 18
It works. No issues. I also would have been completely happy with just a flat black paint job, steel wheels and a big motor. Easily amused I suppose.
This will be similar to how Lisbeth Salander had to get her checks from her ward.
The Velorex? Boring? Really? Quite a few things it is but, IMO, boring is not one. Could've put "every American Malaise era car"... :-)
This guy used to pester me by playing unilateral games of slug bug when he was in the car with me. So, one day I drove to the VW dealer and said "wanna play slugbug?" That was the end of that.