
Not to distract from the important issue regarding Amazon employees, but, in my experience in NYC, taxi cab drivers do their duty in-cab on a regular basis. And who can blame them? Finding a public bathroom in the city is a monumental challenge. But I can blame them for dumping their pee bottles (and occasionally,

I’ve always preferred the capitalized “It” as a singular, gender-neutral pronoun. I’m an It and so are you!

What a stupid word, I’m thoroughly confused (not a rare occurrence!) But the important question is; is Bob Dylan’s “Lay Lady Lay” grammatically correct? If not, he had better change it if he wants to hold on to his Nobel Prize.

I’m guilty of this, mainly because (1) My genuine smile is a tight-lipped smirk-looking thang. I’m genetically incapable of a toothy smile (at least a genuine one, and fake smiles must be avoided at all costs when being photographed. If you don’t believe me, look at Rosie O’Donnell’s headshot), and (2) I open the eyes

I recently helped a friend set up her first Roth IRA, and it looks like she’ll soon be eligible for her job’s 403b (details of which are not yet known). She’s 50, and can’t afford to Max out on either account. Here’s the kicker: she also owes the IRS a few thousand dollars. Who should get her money first?

Is nobody here offended by Mr Allan’s paternalistic closer?:

As a maintenance worker who must separate paper from glass/metal/plastic recycling, because the building residents are too lazy to do so themselves, I beg of thee: Apartment dwellers and office workers, please give your recyclables a quick rinse! (Or, alternatively, please keep paper separate from the