“Seriously, why are people still hiring him for jobs like this?”
“Seriously, why are people still hiring him for jobs like this?”
If under 5% of all the men you ever had sex with actually took actions to give you pleasure... might I suggest:
“new trend of goddamn labial trimming that even teenagers are doing”
Honestly, it’s awesome. I use one of his recipes that calls for canned peaches in heavy syrup, you boil down the peach syrup into a caramel color, add cream, mix the peaches back in, and serve on pound cake. The fact that he figured out how to make a peach caramel blew my mind.
That does not seem to be Taro’s MO, he seems pretty big on game skipping tricks like this. The game even includes a hidden merchant that sells the games Trophies to you. He just likes fucking with people.
[Fiona Apple] can do what she wants because she actually has talent unlike Lady GooGa, Miley Cyprus and Katy Perry. — Simon, Surrey, 7 years ago
Yeah I think Luke calling it a mystery isn’t just pushing it, but like, lying? Did he not realize this video existed??
I said the same thing and the response I got was full of tin-foil hat conspiracists saying “well Sony could have lied about the internals”.
Another favorite of mine is “Sony has lied in teardowns before, so this was needed”. This is factually incorrect but yet you can’t tell these guys that. They believe what they…
Mystery? Did I not watch Sony do their own teardown before release day?
On the same vine of thought: I thought the police were there to maintain order, and were willing to use non-lethal weapons to control illegal gatherings.
But... but... I thought committing property damage was bad? And that that was the *real* crime? And that that’s the reason for everything being a “riot” and not a “protest”?
Videos posted on social media show a band of diminutive, pinch-faced, red-hatted white men chanting that they will “destroy the GOP” because the party has not ensured Trump stays in office—though he has absolutely no valid claim to do so because he undeniably lost the election.
That sephiroth reveal really was the highlight. Also, that ARK trailer was wonky as fuck. One second it was okay but as soon as the action ramped up, it started to look like a fucking PS2 game. The characters looked wack as fuck too.
Look I had the same feeling of this being the medical version of “my black friend” but an army of white guys would have been met with craziness too.
True, but we’d be doubly skeptical if they had nothing but old white dudes up there, so I don’t really blame them for noting there was a Black woman heavily involved.
It’s funny how Vin Diesel’s face somehow looks like the most generic video game character ever.
I’d probably give them a pass if their own ads weren’t talking about “becoming anything you want” and how modding yourself is how people live in the future (paraphrase). Yeah, that is really weird.
I’m sorry, who holds the power, people try to punch up, not down, so go fuck yourself incel.