
"If you think he's dead, he's alive and if you think you're safe he's coming for you." My favorite line of the night.

They pulled a reverse "who is Eric Cartman's father/mother" !

Like Lysistrata, kinda. Let's start a letter writing campaign! His tiny parts don't touch her until he resigns! Her country needs her.

Maybe that's how it all unravels. Henry disappears and the police search the house top to bottom

Didn't Greg Baldwin take over as Uncle in Avatar after Mako passed away?

Which reminds me, how much of our tax money is going to his ugly spray tan?

We elect them president

"Penny for your thoughts." "More power to ya." Love Buckaroo Banzai

Thank God. We need Decker now more than ever.

Every time people criticize her acting I think of that scene. She nailed it

I thought she was great in the phone call scene at the end of season 2 when Jack was talking her through killing the crazy dad. That was quality acting by her. Her reaction shot when Jack tells her over to "shoot him again" was perfect. I don't think they could figure out what to do with her otherwise.

Bingo. They are just awful.

She's got some great tape for a sexual harassment suit

I've always found her comedy fascinating and this show really captures what makes her unique. Binge watching them tonight!

Kim is out on her own, but Gizelle (sp?) may still be available to help Saul. What does she want out of life? "More." She has that side of herself that loves what Jimmy does

What if Kim's knowledge of banking ends up playing a role in Jimmy/Saul's later illegal activities? Just saying. She could have been behind the scenes during BB era and unnecessary to its plot. Saul likely had a life outside of Walter White.

Thanks so much for these "fights." I really enjoy the focus on the visual and audio minutae. It makes me appreciate the show even more!

My son and I were watching and knew he was recording it. For us it made it more excruciating because Jimmy couldn't help but be sucked in. I thought the writers knew people would figure it out, but also knew it would work for the viewer either way.

Chuck said in a very cold voice "So this is it then?" After his mother died. He seemed to lose all feeling for his mother after she asked for Jimmy. Once Ernie betrays Chuck, he says "get out." If you take Jimmy's "side" then he has no use for you.