
How much is KFC paying for these articles? 

It’s crazy that people are so brainwashed by capitalism, that they think a government cracking down on slimy sales tactics from a huge corporation is some attack on freedom.

... LOL imagine in 2020 still believing in the China boogeyman when *gestures in the air* all of this is happening in your own backyard right now.

Macaroni - wet pussy reference has been used by black ppl for ages - long before tiktok was a thing

Soooooo, this is where this place is at now?

This doesn’t seem bad enough to be article worthy to me. It isn’t overly long. It isn’t over the top expensive. He has had a save percentage above .920 3 of the past 4 seasons. 

The part where you assume that Isaiah Thomas needed or even wanted these white folk to save him.

Well I mean, she said strategy/strategize 2 times in the sentence.

95% chance Bill Simmons is watching this series while rolling around nude in printed articles where he mentioned the Harden trade.

We all read it, we are just a bit shocked that something so fucking tone-def got published here.

Yes, what all black men truly need, is a white coach to save them from deciding what to do with their own grief.

Gojuchang is a solid miso alternative

Man I was really hoping this was MC Grindah and DJ Beats when I read the title.

Shocking that I could I miss the satire from someone who possesses such biting wit.

That’s a pretty creepy Tyson quote, all things considered.

Oh, look! A passive aggressive christian that uses too many exclamation marks!

Barnwell and Lowe need to get outta that cesspool. Grab LeBatard and Bomani . Kick the shit out of SAS like the copier that got it in Office Space. And bounce.

Wow. Scorching take on the situation O’Reilly.

What kind of world do we live in where you can’t do coke during a Republican presidency.

Not even arguable IMO. I think they are significantly better. Basically swapped out T-Ross & Biyombo for Ibaka & Tucker. (I purposefully ignored mentioning Scola lol).

Not to mention they should have a full series of JV. Plus the internal growth - Carroll is healthier, DeMar and Kyle both having better years.
