
I’m sure this will be in the actual movie for all of 10 seconds. It will be the equivilant of Avengers: Age of Ulton’s “Avengers....” see new Avengers in hanger for few seconds, CREDITS.

It’s got nothing to do with wanting to make DC movies look worse to promote Marvel. I really don’t have a dog in the fight. I think like most people I don’t want to see heroes like Superman and Batman portrayed in this way. As I said previously since there are only two DC movies and both are Zack Snyder films it would

I think what it comes down to is even the worst Marvel Studios movies work in terms of portraying an accuarte version of the characters from the comics. MoS and BvS take two heroic icons and reduce them to violent, stupid, murdering protaganists more suited to an 80s action movie. It’s like Michael Bay taking the

Since there are only two DCEU movies and both were directed by Zack Snyder, do you not think it might just be people dislike Zack Snyder DC films?

The last 70s scene in Days of Future Past, when Stryker fishes Wolverine out of the river and smiles is the perfect set up for Weapon X done right, erasing the horrible botchjob of X-Men Origins: Wolverine. Then they clearly got cold feet in editing at such a dark fate for a hero character so changed it to Mystique

The last 70s scene in Days of Future Past, when Stryker fishes Wolverine out of the river and smiles is the perfect set up for Weapon X done right, erasing the horrible botchjob of X-Men Origins: Wolverine. Then they clearly got cold feet in editing at such a dark fate for a hero character so changed it to Mystique

I remember doing a double take when I saw this scene in the cinema. So Admiral Marcus keeps a model of the topsecret Section 31 WAR ship, the USS Vengence, designed by KHAN, a physical representation of everything the Federation is against, on his desk at Starfleet headquarters!!!!!

NCC-1701-A is still Constitution Class, just the refit model like the original destroyed vessel

Was there an NX ship in Undiscovered Country? Hadn’t the previously NX Excelsior been elevated to NCC status by this point? (or downgraded due to the transwarp drive experiment been a faliure - I always just thought Scotty’s tinkeiring caused the ship to stall while chasing the Enterprise out of spacedock, but

XXX2 ??? I know we’d all like to forget, but Ice Cube stared in XXX2: State of the Union in 2005.

But remember Man of Steel was mostly a humbled director for hire Snyder aping Christopher Nolan (apart from the finale when he went full-Snyder, never go full-Snyder) in an attempt by all involved to replicate the success of The Dark Knight films.


Look more closely at ‘Luke’, ‘he’ has breasts. It’s a female character, maybe an early Leia idea.

In terms of accurate era costumes I think most films are guilty of depicting the percieved memory of the fashions as opposed to the actual styles. It is a comic book movie set in the 60s so yes miniskirts and go go boots are the choices made, just as the 70s set Days of Future Past was all flares and wide collars.

I guess your referring to the Hellfire Club sequence where McTaggert strips down to her undies to infiltrate the club with a gaggle of hired girls, and also Emma Frost’s costume in that scene and others. I suppose it could be argued that it is reflecting the 60s era that it is set in. The fact that Jane Goldman is the

Now that Tom Rothman isn’t at Fox to ruin the Vs films (insisted 1st one be PG13 and set on contempory earth) why not give it to Neil Blomjamp and let him do a proper Colonial Marines Vs Aliens and Predators movie. He’s clearly in love with the tech from Cameron’s Aliens and his Alien 5 is basically dead thanks to

X3: X-Men United???? - I think you mean X-Men: The Last Stand (X3), X2: X-Men United was the well received second film.

X-Men: First Class was directed by Matthew Vaughn, who is straight and married to Claudia Shiffer, I think your thinking of Bryan Singer who produced First Class and directed X-Men, X2: X-Men United and X-Men: Days of Future Past. Singer is openly gay.