Tough to tell humor from snark on these boards. We're good.
Tough to tell humor from snark on these boards. We're good.
Complicated isn't the right word.
So I shouldn't eat a grape flavored apple, because... why exactly?
I don't see the problem.
Your kid self was wrong. They're actually pretty good, and a nice break from traditional apples.
The Amazing Race is a quality example. It is NOT cheap to make, and it shows.
My car is worth about $5k and I would sooner push it off a bridge than let any valet get within 10 feet of it. This, I can't even imagine.
So you believe in free speech except when it says something you don't like.
People can like or dislike what they want, but pretending to be above watching something as trashy as a "reality TV show" is beyond passe. It's become an entirely legitimate genre, complete with crappy examples and quality examples, just like every other genre of TV show out there.
Maybe in 10 years it will be the only category.
Oh please, anti-reality TV snobbery is so 2009.
Gay men wear "tops". Straight men wear "shirts".
Excellent point. I guess incest is acceptable as long as the participants are way hot.
Ewww. They are clearly brother and sister. And that's not right!
"Normal or Nuts" should be called "Normal or Nutjobs".
People also said Meb Keflezighi was the first American to win the Boston Marathon since 1983 (even though a woman won it in 1985)