
When it comes to serious passive-aggressive assholery, the target doesn't need to know. In fact, the target is not supposed to know. The satisfaction comes from you knowing they're brushing their teeth with the toothbrush you stuck up your ass, not them knowing.

"Duh. I don't get it. Why is he yelling? Why is that guy laughing in the background?"

As I said, and as you've clearly proven, you have no sense of humor. And your life must suck.

once more into the breach. why isn't winning enough to release his emotions? are you all just sore winners? and 'pent up from years'? you've won two of the last three titles, have 3 Olympians, and have 4 straight trips to the finals. and you have LeBron james, the most powerful and versatile player on the planet?

yeah, but why is he shouting?

I'll forgive you your ignorance and your shitty attitude. I understand people with no sense of humor are forced to cope in various ways. It's not my place to judge.

I'm sorry you have no sense of humor. Your life must suck.

No, the one thing he's NOT is a crack smoker.

You're an idiot. I think that sums you up for us.

So, were there just the two pictures then, or are there more out there that I couldn't find?

Wow, Bullock looks great for an older woman.

Wow, generalize much?

But, I don't see any way this plate could possibly mean anything else... Which is both sad, and disgusting.

Forget awful, it's not even unfortunate. It's like a Rorchach done up in random alphanumeric characters instead of inkblots. There is nothing there, but still sometimes you see something.

I'd go with R-HOMINID.

If you see "rape" in "R8P" then you probably see "rape" in a lot of other places where it isn't.


If it wasn't before, it is now. :-)