
Known as Tribology, this scientific branch studies the effects of surface interactions between a material and its surrounding environment.

20 years ago, I would have agreed with you. Now, nope. Movie theaters are an absolute delight in 2012. Huge, plush, comfortable reclining chairs, tiered seating so there's no obstructed views, immersive sound, tremendous high def video screens, the experience is sublime and unmatched.

Questions of "worth" become irrelevant when you're talking about things only the super wealthy would even consider purchasing.

Actually, according to Wookieepedia, Coruscant boasted 1 trillion official permanent residents and about twice that in transients, temporary workers and undocumented residents. So there's that.

When they start making 4K porn, I'll consider an upgrade. Until then, no thanks.

Yabbut, the commenter isn't being paid for his work here.

IBM is not impressed.

My iPhone 5 went straight from its apple packaging to its Otter Box Defender case. Untouched by non-Chinese human hands. And that's the way it will stay.

Individual terrorists may often be made out of desperation, but terrorist groups are more often made out of ideology.

The only "life plan" book I'll ever need.

This French model says yes, everything on the Internet is true.

Richard Scarry, FTW.

Yeah, given her name, it's probably a good thing she's only selling cars and not selling her vagina.


I agree. I don't know what the solution is, but this is definitely not it.

Kind of makes the terrorist organization Hamas' goal of destroying Israel seem a bit laughable, huh?

The US never really embraced the metric system. But it's sure as hell embracing the hashtag. Apples and oranges, I think.

"ostensibly"? Not sure why that word is there.

Or D'Brickashaw.

Seven? It's got cachet up the yin-yang!!