So basically 6,000 Virginians pissed all over their civic duty?
So basically 6,000 Virginians pissed all over their civic duty?
Honestly, this election was never really in doubt.
I have an Apple mirror. It's nice, but somehow my reflection has a purple tinge.
So iPads are just this generation's hi-fi-speakers-that-were-meant-for-a-nightclub-but-I-have-some-extras-here-in-the-back-of-my-van-that-I-can't-bring-back-to-the-shop-that-you-can-have-for-just-$200-but-when-you-get-them-home-and-open-them-up-you-find-that-they're-just-empty-speaker-cases.
As opt-outs go, especially as Facebook opt-outs go, this one couldn't be simpler.
Perhaps it's time to boycott Central Parking Corporation.
I'd agree with you completely, but I don't feel like being a pariah today.
Sucks that stupid people are "teaching" our children.
I used to be just like Adele, large and absolutely fine with it.
I've never understood why some people think signing a contract is the end of the world. I've been with AT&T for about 10 years now and I have no idea when my current contract started or ends, and frankly, I don't give a shit. I use my phone, I pay my bill, I use my phone, I pay my bill, and time somehow manages to…
I would never trust an airline that seriously considers such monumentally stupid ideas.
Passive aggressive attacks against "the man" are petty and childish.
Use it? I rely on it.
If I can kill lice with mayonnaise,
Yeah, I try not to piss off unskilled, dead end, low wage earners who have my phone number and nothing to do at 3 in the morning.
Clearly we have different opinions on what the word "failing" means.
Looks more like every rightwing talking head who predicted a landslide win for Romney. Especially Dick Morris, who said Romney would win 325 electoral votes. Talk about having your head up your ass. Wow!
Lighten up, Francis. It's called a joke. Try it some time.
Chick drivers, amirite?
So Snopes is not a valid source, but Klein's baldfaced hitpiece is.