

Yes, and it's the choice of a new generation. :-)


Judge to your heart's content, just do it quietly. People are trying to sleep.

That's quite a strawman you're building. Immoral, uncompassionate people who enjoy fucking other people over on airplanes? I can't even imagine.

Look, if there are two people, and one of them must be uncomfortable, I have no problem with it being the one who isn't me. If comfort has to be a zero sum game, I don't plan on losing. I don't stop the guy in front of me from reclining, and I wouldn't expect the guy behind me to stop me either.

Yes, I used to think that too. But after years of politely deferring to others, I finally got fed up with being taken advantage of. Ever since I decided that my own comfort comes before the comfort of strangers, my quality of life has improved.

If they have a problem, they can always recline their own seat to make up for the space I'm taking.

Close. They are not entitled to the space your knees are occupying, they are entitled to the space their seat occupies when it's fully reclined.

Whoever first decided to start calling remakes "reboots" deserves a painful death.

Wouldn't help. Romneybot has a ground wire.

Wouldn't be a treat for me. Her face turns my stomach.

Maybe it's just the drab color, but cork seems to make everything look cheap. Especially the desk lamp and the iPad case.

Falling rain, sizzling bacon, and audience applause. Cause really, they're all the exact same sound.

And here I thought I was the only one.

Plato figured this out about 2,500 years ago.

Communists, Socialists, Liberals, they're all pretty much the same, right? According to FOX News, anyway.

You forgot to mention which Android phone you own.

At this point I think you're just trolling. Congrats, you got me. Time to move on.

Not really. Gizmodo writers are paid for their work, clearly they should be held to a higher standard than people who post on message boards. Even if you don't think so.