
My guess is that the ambient air temp is simply too hot to run an air-cooled engine

You got here first, but I really thought Alan Softy was the play.

No air conditioning and with temps around 125*F, all you will do is blow warm, dusty air into the car.

I’ll rescind my statements. But retain my fervor for free and easy access to public information. I’m married to an IL lawyer who has to do the physical work you describe, since westlaw and lexis cant be assed to do anything outside the US.

This is why we lose. When the most forceful advocates against corruption and grift are a nonagenarian and an unrepentant would-be assassin, it’s hard to take that side seriously.

Yeah- they don’t know what was in the $73.59 worth of stuff you got at Target at 8:42 pm. They just know you had a charge, at that merchant, at that location, at that time, in that amount, and Amazon’s not going to start showing you ads for the 30 oz tub of dick lube that you bought because only you, Target, and your

Do the files you mined contain personal contact info? While I think you’re doing honest research, what’s to keep someone taking the same data and using it to harass / bother the defendants?

As RPM mentioned, there is definitely a public interest in throttling the bulk collection of potentially sensitive court records. Shady companies have built up a sizable industry on extorting people by utilizing bulk information collection tools like web scrapers. NPR’s Planet Money did a whole podcast on it:

Yeah, a NYE wedding sounds dope as hell (if it’s, like, a friend’s wedding, and not a cousin’s wedding). Not having to make plans makes it worth it on its own.

January is one of the least popular wedding months

If it weren’t vegetarian, they wouldn’t call it “tossing salad”.

But what I really want to talk about here is the scourge of New Year’s Eve weddings. I haven’t actually had to attend one yet, thank god, but increasingly hear of family and friends doing so. What the hell?

Seattle Kevin: brush up on as much hockey as you can now, so that you already know the game by the time the Seattle Totems/Kraken/Lattes/what-have-you start playing. Then you can hit the ground running on opening night!

Belichick is the only reason any of this happened.

...It’s a dark timeline when Kroenke is the lesser of two evils.

And the fans of both are entitled assholes who play the victim even when they win! What a time to be alive!

Perfect metaphor for America right now. Nobody but a fucking asshole wants the president we have, and nobody but a fucking asshole wants to see this team in another Super Bowl. Just one more thing to endure.

Fucking Trump's still in office and the Patriots are in the Super Bowl again. 2019 can already eat a dick

I feel this way a lot of the time and I’m currently serving. I don’t stand when the stadium PA announcer asks veterans and service members to stand and be recognized. Airlines allow active duty service members to board early; no thanks, my ticket says Goup ZZ thanks. The issue isn’t my service (which I’m very proud

A good hot dog is still a remarkably disappointing bratwurst.