
Maybe the reason that manga doesn't sell very well in North America is the fact that the fans just sit around in the manga aisles of bookstores, reading the mangas and taking up space, but never buying them.

@phisheep: I agree wholeheartedly with your points.

Plastic model kits are awesome, I have to say.

The game ads list was a bit weird. The article kind of showcases what's wrong with the gaming community today.

@SatiDamphyr: That would be the greatest surprise known to mankind.

Pfft. $60. Here in Canadia, games retail for $70, new. After a month they drop down to $60, and after a year they MIGHT drop down to $40.

Yeah, you remember that xkcd comic? That's me. Not out of preference, mind you.

@SuperTongue: They don't just "convert it". They render it using their massive stock of servers (or Xbox 360s? I don't know) at high definition. Most video capture cards only capture at standard definition, and that's with a noticeable lag as you're playing.

@Paul Soth: Liposuction and then Liporeinsertion is a wonderful thing.

@grantanamo: The thing with a lot of internet gaming sites is that people don't really play games, they just sit around and complain about them all day.

@Cookie: Wanna know why the level Data Hive is so frozen on the way to Dare?

@bakura: That could be the creepiest stare, creepiest kid, or even creepiest ANYTHING I have ever seen.

I quite liked Rome: Total War's tutorial mini-campaign.

@JohhnyDamage: On that note (and totally ignoring the joke)...

I want a PS3 Slim. If I had money to throw around (and I don't), I'd probably end up wasting away my life on Warhawk all day, all week, all month, all year.

@Ehardergardens: Great campaign, and the gameplay mechanics really reminded me of the first Halo. I didn't love the Halo 1 pistol, but I love the ODST pistol beyond words, so it saddened me when you didn't get any pistols or pistol ammo for the last few portions.