
@BristolRuss: Not only did you use a racial slur, but you misused an apostrophe.

@RPharazonius: Add a "had" in between "Steam" and "the".

I pirated IL-2 and some expansions (up to Pacific Fighters) once because there were literally NO stores in the entire city which had it, or any of its iterations, in stock. In fact, many told me that all of the IL-2 games had been discontinued entirely.

@EnigmaNemesis: Well, think of the extra ~4 megapixels as a kind of biological antialiasing.

@EnigmaNemesis: It can also run at a constant 30-60FPS at a resolution of 162 megapixels.

@Murderdolls: I don't know whether you're honestly serious, or the most blatant troll in existence.

@phnord: I am kind of in the same boat. I played World of Goo, beat it, enjoyed it immensely, yet I was a bit unsatisfied with the overall experience.

One of the funnest little browser games I've ever played.

I have played over 350 hours of Vanilla Oblivion on the Xbox 360.

I do not like this little video service thing.

I won again.

I tipped this in about 30 or so minutes ago.

The difference between Steam and SecuROM is that one is a computer-wrecking cybernanny, and the other is a digital content delivery device.

I want a 40K FPS that doesn't suck.

I like Sarge from Red vs Blue's suggestion best: Give the losers medals as well. Radioactive medals, so that they die slowly and painfully as they live their last days pondering on their athletic failure.

This "Wii for Dummies" tripe is just scraping the bottom of the intellectual barrel for a profit.

I love you, Valve. LOVE YOU.

My aviation heart is still a little bit crushed by the somewhat-disappointing (but still fun!) Ace Combat 6. This opening can be used by HAWX to win me over.

I will be there.

"You call that breaking my spine!? You RED team ladies wouldn't know how to break a spine i- AAAAAAAAH MY SPINE!"