I vote for Ace Combat 6.
I vote for Ace Combat 6.
@Furysetzer: My version of hell would be a McDonald's logo carved out in Dwarf Fortress.
Smallpox Blankets: When this upgrade comes into play, any New World civilizations have their armies immediately destroyed and their cities reduced to newly-settled status.
@dnzperson: I had one of those. Even with 1GB of RAM, it was as slow as all hell. Also, you couldn't even upgrade the video card. Not that it mattered because it only had PCI ports.
I'm just waiting to see if it's better than Ace Combat.
@EnigmaNemesis: Ace Combat 3 was probably the best game of the entire series.
This guy is just angry because you can't install spyware on a modern console.
It's 90% because of all the failing developers.
Heh. I loved this game so much.
What about PC gaming?
Oh, and the Aztecs weren't based in South America.
I like how they exploit the history of a still-surviving culture to further their stereotypes and earn profits for being "exotic".
@ca$h: I live in Mexico and I actually haven't ever seen a Coors Light anywhere. Not even at this sushi bar which had over a hundred varieties of beer from all over the world.
I do like that they used a better colour palette so far. I didn't like their old "Greyscale" palette. Made the first GoW very bland and monotonous at times.
Useful. Especially the Ping option for the network connection. I hate my connection and it hates me, so I don't want to check pings through the computer every time I have an urge to play.
This article is a copy of Wikipedia's article on Niko, or vice versa.
What does this device actually do? The actual TV spot didn't explain. It has a lock, for some reason, but what does it do? Does it just stop power flow to the device?
Heh. I remember laser tag fondly.