
Plus the Haas F1 car

I’m definitely interested. Too old now (24) to get into motorsports professionally but $1000 isnt bad to do some karting for fun!

So when you say “the buzzing the tower was truely about our jets buzzing and doing low flybys on our ships/bases”, are you saying that they buzzed our towers because we do low fly-bys of our own ships and bases? I’m confused...

Once again, no one said these were mock attack runs, just that they were in a typical attack formation. Also, no one said their intent was to do harm.

No one ever said it is time to go to war over this.

First, no one said these were “mock” attack runs. They said that the Russian jets were in what is typically considered an attack formation. Second, while I do not know for sure, I HIGHLY doubt these pilots just decided to this on their own...